We wanted to share some resources that helped us transition to a keto diet. We’re about 12 days in and have seen great results! Weight loss wasn’t the primary goal but it has been a nice benefit 😉

I’ve been exposed to keto for a long time but never committed to the diet. That said, I had a much shorter learning curve. The most basic guideline is keeping tracking of your macros. The general ratio of calories from each macro is 70-80% fat, 15-20% protein, and 5-10% carbs. What is generally cited is 25-30g carbs with up to 50g carbs at the high end.

There’s some debate around carbs. I personally focus on net carbs (carbs minus fiber). Some people will count all carbs. As you can imagine, depending which approach you will take, it will drastically change your carb intake.

This is a general guide for what macros can look like daily, by meal, or by a snack. There’s also a lot of people who recommend a slow-carb approach meaning you stack more of your carb intake towards lunch and dinner (or dinner if you’re just doing two meals a day).

The main point of this post was to get something up quickly since we had some friends ask. We’ll work on a more in depth post soon 🙂

Learning About Keto

Keto Recipes


Healthy Snacks/ Fat Bombs

Helping w/ Azhalia’s Sweet Tooth

I hope you found this quick guide useful 🙂

If you haven’t already, we’d appreciate if you followed our Ketotarian Journey on YouTube by subscribing here!

Let's get social
Last modified: May 15, 2020



Justin E Mills 

Good Stuff! On Keto right now… not the veggie kind but it is tough. I can’t image running 24 miles!

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